openness is brought by the fluid state of construction

during this state, living objects and their images interchange molecules, grains, pixels & cells. they drop & gain qualities. they call old friends. they make new partnerships. they may alter their purpose & mode of existence. they may extend or focus their scope of impact.


Preparing for DVX

Workshop: Conversation with Objects

Kassel, July 17th 10am-1pm

Registration 10-16 July on site or by email to:

Conversation with Objects is part of DVX Program of ARAC (Another Roadmap for Art Education, Africa Cluster).

ARAC Space in DVX is designed by Christian Nyampeta. Photo by Andrea Thal. The workshop is by rana elnemr.

Looking at NOCTUA Constellation as it appears in Alexander Jamieson’s “A Celestial Atlas” 1822.

Talk and conversation “Comovements” in Deichtorhallen, was part of Hamburg Triennial of Photography Festival Week in June, 2022.

Noctua (=small owl, known to have been named after Greek Goddess Athene’s owl pet ) is a star constellation of the ancient worlds. Standing at the tail of Hydra constellation, Noctua is an owl with un-even ears, looking down at the earth from the sky. The constellation was introduced to modern astronomy by Alexander Jamieson in his 1822 Celestial Atlas. In 1930, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) stopped recognising the constellation along with a few others, which unlike Noctua, have had their stars shifted or faded. Noctua’s stars are still visibly glowing in space. A new constellation, to its east has been drawn & identified: Corvus (=crow, named after Apollo’s sacred bird).

rising NOCTUA, Constellation V is a longterm project, that I have started in 2022 to re-establish the connection with Constellation NOCTUA through a series of workshops, photography, video, text, drawings & sculpture.

riparian. mirror: stars home. corvus. Photography. 70x50cm.

Corvus Constellation shines on the southern side of my apartment in winter evenings.

riparian. still from the house of breeding citrus. Video. 4.44min. 2022.

The still shows a digital composite of water flowing next to a hydra constellation, super-imposed on a hand-made silkscreen print of entangled roots & branches on dry soil.

Working with snakeplant roots and old wool cats.

Esraa El Feky (artist) assisting me - and here, photographing me - while working on riparian & on noctua rising from September 2021 - February 2022.

riparian has been made with the assistance, collaboration, help & support of ahmed elnemr , nesma ahmed nesim, tahani youssef, esraa el feky, samir el kordy, maha maamoun, alaa abo elgoud, lina attalah, andrea thal, ahmad aiyad, sarah ibrahim, and other visiting spirits.


riparian 2022


fine structure constant 2020